Monday, December 29, 2008

Energy 'Independence'

Does it seem weird to anyone else that the drive for 'energy independence' comes from the political left. While that end of the spectrum is also tied into ideals of community and connection with fellow human beings (in their ideal) - but then the push for energy independence argues that 'we' cannot be connected or tied or 'dependent' on anything or anybody else it is a throwback to classical liberalism. Fear of interconnection is perhaps what is driving the atomization and hyper-individualism that drives aggressive self-protective action in the first place (which is what removing 'dependence' is supposed to prevent). But, perhaps, its not as contradictory as it seems - we cannot take aggressive action if they have a card to play (the lifeline on our energy supply) - so energy independence is a prerequisite to military aggression. Just as 'independence' or seeing oneself as separate from another is a pre-requiste to violence in any realm.

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